Sebastian is still out with a bit of a temperature. Seb doesn't typically sit s
till for long and he must be not feeling a bit down because he just won't move. Or I could be a cynic and decide this is all a ploy to get to watch unlimited television. I remember being a kid once. Ah, but how is he faking the 102 temperature? Maybe he's not faking it just to scupper my plans. Basically, I've done no groceries shopping so we may be having porridge for Christmas dinner. And I've got three (count them 3) presents (all for Seb) that I still have to buy and I can't take him with me and I can't leave him at home and I can't shoot him.....oh, wait that's women.......
Last night was another company Christmas doo. This one was with all the people in my new group (all those that work for my new boss). When I turned up for the presentations during the day I was informed I would be doing the presentation....I had never seen the presentation. Thankfully, one of my team leaders did it for me and he did a great job. All the presentations were interesting and funny. It was great to see so much passion and enthusiasm from the people you work with! I came home and quickly changed into party clothes and went back out for an evening of dining, drinking and dancing. I got to know quite a few colleagues I didn't know before or know so well. It was good fun......right up until the point I fell out of my stupid party shoes, ended up on the floor with my dress up around my waist and banged my knee hard on a metal bar. What most disturbed me was that no one came to help me up for quite some time. When I did manage to get up I limped away, called a cab and went straight home. My knee is swollen this morning and looking like a huge bruise will be developing. Well, there goes my exercise regime I had planned.....or that might just be a convenient excuse!

Bailey is g
rowing up fast. He has more than doubled in size in the four weeks (or so) that we've had him. He has destroyed one corner of my wall in the kitchen and a basket with my tea towels in it. Dog owners assure me this is a phase and will only last a few months. I hope so or we are back to the whole shooting theme again.
This time of year is always very busy for Marc's business. Loads of people buy computers for gifts and he is busy every evening setting them up and then delivering them the next day. He also has a number of corporate clients and all of them it seems has got email problems this week. He's already got some appointments scheduled for next week which he is supposed to have off. Let's face it: this is one of the greatest challenges when you own your own business. No work means no money. And the key differentiator of Marc's service is his responsiveness and personality. Basically, if we want to keep our corporate clients happy (which we do) he must work!
Hey Ladawn, Glyn sent me on your blog and I just had to post a comment to say it is FANTASTIC. I love it, well done you on the effort and detail and love the quotes. Though I think you are secretly just using it as another channel to boast about your gorgeous kids, they are such cuties! Didn't know you got a puppy either, aww! Need to catch up soon, but have a Merry Xmas & a drunken hogmanay meantime!
Thanks for the feedback! Of course I am boasting about my children. They are the best in the world. You and Andrew need to come round for din din in the New Year!
Love the coat!
We got that little stain out no problem. It washed up real nice. She thinks she is royalty (or rich). Isn't she a poser?
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