Tuesday 5 June 2007

A Budding Photographer

Sebastian fancies himself as quite the photographer. One of the things I like about the digital camera is I can give it to the children, they can take photos of anything they want, they can see the photographs themselves immediately and retake if they deem necessary. Sebastian is really quite good at framing a picture although I do question his choice of subject. these are some photographs that Seb took over the weekend. The flowers are a bouquet that Veda, Marc's mum, gave me for my birthday.

Whatcha think?


Janell said...

Good job on all - I especially like the flowers. I didn't know Scooby Doo moved to the UK? I wondered why I wasn't seeing him around here anymore. :)

Shirley said...

These are so interesting -- seeing the angles, etc. from a child's point of view.

I let Alex use my camera once -- he was 3 or so yr. It's not digital, and I got back several prints of me coming towards the camera and reaching for it, with my mouth open. Probably saying "OK, stop now -- give it
back, please."

JMarie said...

These are all great! Good job Sebastian. I think the Scooby shot is quite artistic...dramatic shadow, cup slightly out of center, the viewer wonders what the red thing is in the background.