Monday 1 January 2007


Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone's celebrations were fabulous (and everyone made it home safely). Did you see those London fireworks? They were spectacular even on television. I can't imagine what they were like if one was actually there. Must add that to the list of things to do! Maybe in a few years.....

Our friends, Sean & Helen, with their 2 children, Sam and Lottie, came to visit yesterday and brought in the new year with us. We had lunch and then withstood the weather to go for a walk around the Great Park in the drizzle and grey skies threatening overhead. We tired out the children, the dogs and ourselves and came home just in time for the skies to open up.

Marc was left to bbq ribs in the pouring rain. The children are close in age so they really enjoyed turning our house upside down and playing with everything simultaneously. The adults managed to empty copious quantities of alcohol, eat gluttunous quantities of food, play games and chit chat the new year in!

Today we are clearing up the mess from yesterday and resting for work tomorrow. Did you make any new year resolutions?

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