Tuesday 8 January 2008

Back to School

Today was the first day back to school after the school holidays for Christmas.

It was chaos. You would have thought we had never taken our children to school before. We couldn't find the book bags (or the books).

It was complicated by the fact that Abigail started ballet class today. Since she only attends half days this means that the whole school run is doubled.

Marc drops her off (at the same time as Sebastian in the morning). The child minder picks her up at midday (3x/week and me the other 2x). Now the child minder will meet me back at the school with Abigail already kitted out in her ballet leotard.

I'll have to wait for her to finish. Then Sebastian does his ballet.

Luckily another mother brings Sebastian home for me or I would have to wait around the school for another 40 minutes.

I would never get dinner on the table, help Sebastian with his homework and get him off to Beaver Scouts.

Ug, I hate Tuesdays especially when it is also the first day back at school!

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