We had an off the scale busy weekend.
Friday evening was the Old Windsor Donkey Derby.
Saturday I dropped Abigail off at Football Camp. Marc went to help build the Beaver Scout float (theme Lapland - don't ask!). I sewed Sebastian's elf shoes and hat. I picked Abigail up at Fottball Camp. Marc dropped me off at the Scout Burger stall at the Old Windsor Carnival where I served up hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, and chips ( US= french fries) for 2 hours despite it being the last day of my diet. He then dropped Sebastian (aka Elf) at the float before the start of the parade. When my shift was over we ran across the village green to catch the end of the parade and saw my little elf.
On Sunday morning I went to my last diet group meeting and came home to pick up the family to take a quick trip into London. We had thousands of things to do as we headed home when the car stalled at a busy intersection in Central London. We waited for nearly 5 hours for the recovery truck to show up to tow our car and transport us home by which time it was far too late to do even 1 of the thousand things. 

Boy was I glad just to be home!
PS: See the sick car behind us on the tow!!
Bummer about the car. That always makes a dent in an agenda.
I sat up rather straight when I read you were sending your daughter to football practice. Then remembered that it's not the same thing there.
Football = Soccer everywhere except the USA....but still only 2 girls....all the rest are boys but it was her decision and she is lovin' it. Last week she told be she learned to scrible. It took me ages to figure out she meant dribble. LOL!
Whew! After reading all that, I need to rest!
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