Monday 19 February 2007

If you fall off a horse......

get right back on. Well, Sebastian learned that lesson on Sunday morning. He had his very first fall. Manni was trotting and Seb must have been day dreaming because he was soon on the ground. He landed on his bottom and was not injured. He jumped right up and got right back on the pony. No fear, no tears, just stubborn determination and a keen appreciation that he must pay attention. All important lessons for life.

We went to IKEA on Saturday which is sooooo much fun. My sister loves IKEA and they don't have one in Colorado. She is sooooo jealous of me! I hate to admit it though....on Saturday we were wholly uninspired or shall I say, IKEA was uninspiring. We have a long list of desirable items but IKEA had nothing that captured our fancy. We left having bought nothing on the list. Of course, that didn't mean we left empty handed, which is even more frustrating!

Sunday we had afternoon tea at the Bastow's. I have loads of photos to share. Unfortunately, I made the leap into Windows Vista yesterday. Marc is upgrading our operating system and has not loaded all the programs I need to import photos from my camera's memory chip. As soon as that is complete I will update my post. ETA=Sometime tonight before he goes to bed!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah for you Seb...Hang on and please pay attention..Love and miss you...XOXO grandmawink

Janell said...

Way to go, Seb!
if you had fallen off around my friends, they'd all be saying, "Are you gonna get back on? Or just lay there and bleed?"
They're a tough bunch out here on the praiire, but I'll bet you could keep up with them.
LaDawn - i enjoyed your family tales, but will have to do some thinking to come up with some of my own - at least some that can be repeated in polite company.