I had 4 meetings scheduled today. The first one barely got started before we realised we needed to reschedule. The second meeting started 20 minutes late. I was late to my next meeting and I was trying to find the guy I was supposed to be meeting with thinking gee, this day isn't going so well.
Then it went really bad. The school rang.

I followed the slowest drivers in the world all the way to school. Mental note to self: get blue lights for top of car. Look into installing siren. It seemed to take me forever to drive the 7 miles to the school.
I managed to ring Marc on my way (only because the drivers in front of me were only doing 10 miles/hour). I got to school just as Marc was walking out of the school with him. We put Seb in may car whilst Marc made arrangements for the childminder to keep Abigail and called the mum of the school mate of Seb's that was supposed to come round after school, Armand. That clearly wasn't going to happen.

Seb had a big huge bandage round his head. He looked a bit like a Civil War soldier. I couldn't see the cut so I didn't know how big it was. His shirt and scarf was covered in blood. They had wiped up his cheek but the blood was in and behind his ear. I very rationally thought, oh, it's a head wound. They bleed.....LOTS!
We got to the hospital. There were 3 other children with cuts to various parts of the head: cheek, eye, chin. The moon must be aligned with that head injury planet.
We waited an hour (which isn't too bad for A&E). I became ever so slightly worried when the nurse took us into the same room we were in a few months ago when Seb cut open just under his eye and he proceeded to tell the nurse "Oh, I've been here before." And the nurse replied "Yes, we know. You've been here 9 times." And then gave me that accusing evil eye. Why do I always feel so guilty? He's a boy. This is what boys do to punish their mothers.
I missed my last meeting altogether. I had just left the office with everything strewn all over the place (hey, that's how I work). Thanks to my colleagues for helping me regain my composure well enough to get me to the school.
I had originally planned to publish a post about my daughter and her singing and dressing up. That will have to wait until tomorrow, notwithstanding any future acts of god, natural disasters or physical accidents.
Hey Sebastian, hope your Mum passes on this message. Firstly may I say welcome to the "head glue" club. I did the same thing in Simon's kitchen 3 weeks ago - it hurt! However the glue is wonderful and it soon mends. Secondly, tough luck, well done for being brave and we hope that it will soon be better.
Love John & Mary
Don't worry, Seb & LaDawn - you're right: "that's what boys do" and remember: scars are just tattoos with better stories. Too bad your's will be covered by hair.
And thanks again for your blog instructions. However, my new site meter tells me i visited my own blog seven times in one day! i must try and make a life for myself outside of cyberspace!
OOCH! Don't like bloody stuff. My best wishes for a quick recovery.
Hugs, Clare
Wow, what a cut..give him lots of kisses and hugs from grandma..Wow Seb what ever you did to get that cut please oh please don't do it again...You make Grandmas stomach turn upside down....Love you Grandma Wink
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