Thursday 29 March 2007

Blogging and Job Searching

Earlier I had indicated that my sister was not updating her blog alledgedly because she was afraid of the impact it might have on her job search. Here is a list of things that you should be worried about if bloggin and job searching simultaneously. The good news is none of this applies to my sister.

Question: Is googling your own name vain? Or a survival tactic for modern times?


Janell said...

Are we to gather from that article that it's okay to do drugs, illegal activities, party with nude women, etc., as long as we don't blog about it? it seems to me that Stephanie's lifestyle as represented on her blog is to be COMMENDED rather than CONDEMNED by a prospective employer.
i vote for googling your own name as a survival tactic for modern times, however it never even occurred to me to do it until just now. guess I'd better get busy!

Janell said...

i'm flabbergasted - Google showed 124,000 results on my name! wow.
now what?

stephanie said...

I love this discussion as to blog or not to blog. (sorry for the Shakepear pun.) Go to my blog for my indepth reflection.

stephanie said...

Oh to answer the question.... this is survival tactics, which isn't necessarily to clean up your image but rather to make it fit. And to go the opposite of my PR news is good news when it comes to finding a job.

LaDawn said...

Not according to some experts.....