Wednesday 7 March 2007

Progression of my Disease

I am afraid to report that my disease, far from being cured, has actually progressed. I'm afraid it might be terminal.

1. My first response to events in my life (big or small) is "I can blog about this." I tend to say it out loud.
2. My second response is where is the camera. I need a photo to post on the blog.
3. My draft blogs (waiting to be published) are now in double digits.
4. My friends/family start conversations with "Are you going to blog about this?"
5. Instead of saying "Tell it to the hand" my husband says "Tell it to the blog."
6. I start mentally composing everything I see/do/hear/feel/smell/taste into a post.
7. I check my sitemeter in the morning before coffee. Nothing ever came before coffee until blogging.
8. I've asked friends to write guest posts since they won't start a blog of their own but something interesting has happened to them that I want to post on my blog. Not quite right taking credit for it though, or is it?
9. I'm offering Blogging courses to friends and colleagues.
10. My husband and I now argue over blogging time, ie who's blog gets higher priority for computer time. My argument is I have a bigger and better established audience who is depending on me for posts. His argument is he is new and is trying to establish his blog in the blogsphere. His is clearly the weaker argument.
11. I check Technorati daily to see how many blogs have linked to mine. Before Dec 2006, I had never even heard of Technorati. If you haven't either and you love reading blogs, go to, get an account and enter your blog URLs to your favourites. What magic!

What is the cure? Do I want to be cured? Can I learn to live with my disease? How will I cope? How will my friends and family cope? Do I care? Blog On!


Anonymous said...

It's not hard to imagine, that you might need to "follow your bliss", but then, how do you make the same remuniration? I know that you are as entertaining as any popular writer of this time. Go for it!

LaDawn said...

Bless you Clare Bear!