Monday 20 August 2007


And we are off on the second leg of our holiday. We are headed off to Cornwall (the western sticky outy bit at the bottom of the island, bottom left if you're looking at a map - for the non-British readers) for the wee. CAMPING! Marc is still out in the garage cursing trying to fit everything into the car and has now decided that we need a fleet of trucks to carry our camping gear!

We got Bailey back yesterday and we are very happy to have him home.

It is still raining. Please send some sunshine our way. Camping in the rain with 2 children and 1 dog doesn't exactly sound so appealing now.

Not sure if I will be able to blog but again seriously doubt it. Enjoy your time off from me!


Shirley said...

LaDawn -- don't go -- we are still back here struggling with those questions.

Sue said...

I hope it quit raining for your camping trip. If it is raining here and raining there, should we start building an ark?

Janell said...

We've had rain & thunderstorms here every night this week. I hope it's dry at your campsite!
Miss you.

Brooke said...

Hope your trip is going well. Can't wait to hear about your adventures.

LaDawn said...

Sue - I have googled for ark instructions. None suitable found. LOL