Friday 19 January 2007

Blog Disease

I have crossed that invisible line into blogtal illness (or maybe not so invisible depending on your physical proximity to me). This disease is caused by the descent into madness caused by blogging. The symptoms of this disease should be monitored closely and are as follows:

1. You are excited when anyone visits your blog.
2. You visit random blogs hoping to get tips on how to make the blog more interesting to just about anyone.
3. You are excited when your blog visits enter double digits/day.
4. You are excited when people you don't know visit your blog.
5. You are excited when your monthly traffic hits triple digits after only 2 months and grows each month.
6. You are excited when someone leaves a comment on your blog.
7. You are sooooo excited you giggle when someone else's blog (my sister) links to your blog. Stephanie
8. You are soooooooo excited you dance around the kitchen when someone else's blog (that you don't even know) links to your blog in their text and even thanks you for leaving a comment. Barry

Anyone who knows me will tell you I can talk for days. I don't care if anyone is listening. I'm quite happy talking to walls and could keep myself entertained in a cardboard box with conversation alone. One of my best friends, Kerry, and I met on a flight from London (Heathrow) to Melbourne (Australia). We didn't stop talking for the entire 12 hour flight and at one point the flight attendant had to ask us to move as we were keeping other passengers awake. We've been friends for over 7 years and haven't stopped talking.

So basically, I would have been happy just throwing the words out. God knows, I've got a lot of words to throw. Now I'm even happier to know someone is reading them!


Barry said...

Glad to see I inspired a kitchen pirouette. What will you do when you realise that I've come back for a second visit to your blog?

Anonymous said...

This was funny.

Greetings from Helsinki, Finland, by the way.

donna said...

Found this on the Blog Herald and thought it was great. I've only been blogging for a few weeks and can't believe how I react to my page visits. I love to see the different countries where they originate. Have a great day from the Chicago area!

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Об этом уже писал кто-то из моих ЖЖ-френдов :(

Anonymous said...

На словах ты Лев Толстой, а не деле ... простой!

Anonymous said...

А сегодня день архивного работника. У вас на сайте есть "Архив"? Можете праздновать! :))

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Anonymous said...
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