I left work this morning when I realised that my home had been identified as being in the flood warning catchment. I had done very little to agree a plan with the childminder and Sebastian was at his Get Up & Go camp. The house was not secure and the dog was in his cage in the kitchen. When I got home I quickly went into action and made a plan with the child minder. I confirmed evacuation procedures with the camp and moved our valuables to higher ground. We got our important papers and insurance documents moved to higher ground as well.

These photos are of the River Thames just by our house. As you can see the flood defenses are wide open and in fact are almost over run by the increasing water levels. We are being warned that the worse is yet to come in the next 24 hours. But we have a plan. All the important stuff is on high ground. We will move one of our cars to higher ground tonight. We have bottled water and provisions for a couple days if required. In case of evacuation we will go to the hall in Englefield Green, I believe but are waiting for confirmation from the police. Sand bags have not been distributed yet so Marc is trying to determine if we can purchase some or make our own.

These are photos from Windsor at Eton Bridge which is upstream from us. There are two locks between here and us but they are wide open currently. Doesn't look good.
We are under a flood warning. According to the experts, the plan is to wait until low tide (the Thames River is a tidal river) and then open up all the barriers to let as much water out as possible. This should relieve some of the pressure up river which is already under water. Low tide is at approximately 1 am this morning. It is currently raining and has been for the last hour although not nearly as heavily as it did on Friday when all this trouble started. If I can I will keep you updated. I doubt I will be sleeping very soundly tonight.
Take care Please..Mom
Praying for your protection - God bless.
Will be keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers LaDawn.
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