Sunday 15 July 2007

Player of the Week

Last week Sebastian was named "Player of the Week" during his Summer Football Camp. I'm not entirely sure what he did to deserve this accolade. He didn't even tell us he had won. We learned from one of his mate's parents. When we asked him about it he just said "Yeah" and shrugged his shoulders.

Wish I could enlighten you more....but I can't.


Anonymous said...

There will be a lot of things in his life you won't be told... Prepare now and save yourself a lot of stress.. Mom

LaDawn said...

You keep telling me this.....why?

Sue said...

Agree with "Mom". Some things I still wish I didn't know.

Janell said...

THREE MORE CHEERS FOR SEB!!! (see "School Report")

Anonymous said...


I have to admit I am a bit surprised, nothing against your son, but i am surprised anyone gets recognition over others anymore in the UK school system.

I mean no offense or dis-respect to your son, but perhaps he didn't make a big deal over it because it was simply his turn to be player of the week?

I won't go into all the articles I referenced that are banning competitiveness, discouraging kids from raising hands in class (because others feel hoo)...not publishing honor rolls (again, because not everyone can't make it) and most recently removing Churchill from school curriculum to be replaced with global warming. My favorites are eliminating the use of red pens and changing "F" / Failing Grades to "Delayed Success".

Anonymous said...

in case you are wondering, that first anonymous poster wasn't me.

LaDawn said...

And I think this is a huge mistake. Children need to learn that in life there are winners and losers. Somethings they will win at and somethings they will lose at. Life isn't fair. Many things in life relate to where you are in comparison to where everyone else is. That's the facts man.

You gotta try hard and do your best. Can't ask for much more than that.

Anonymous said...

Uh Oh LA...How do I respond to your last post. That sounded very "GOPish"...

Sounds like we "violently agree" on a position. Am I rubbing off on you?