Saturday 27 October 2007

The Simpsons

I am not a big Simpsons fan. I mean it is ok but I seldom giggle out loud when watching it.

My husband on the other hand is a huge fan. He alternates alter egos between Homer and Bart. He's a little bit of both.

And much to much shock and horror both of my children love it.

We have had many adult conversations about the age inappropriateness of the Itchy and Scratchy show not to mention the slacker values (which may be why it is so near and dear to my husband).

Abigail loves Dora The Explorer but she gets bored. Who wouldn't?

Sebastian loves Power Rangers but I find it makes him a bit hyper active. Who wouldn't?

But for a 30 minutes every evening Marc sits down with Sebastian and Abigail nestled in the crooks of his arms to watch the entire program. I sit in the kitchen blogging away listening the belly laughter emanating from the living room. From all of them.

I don't get it. It doesn't matter. It's their quality time!


Anonymous said...

Its like a mirror...

We have 2 kids (one of each), the Simpsons have 2 kids (one of each); (even in the same order, boy then girl). We have a cat, they have a cat. We have a dumb dog, as do they. 90% of the time we'd be happy to sit in front of the TV with a TV table and food, while LaDawn does a Marg and grumbles to herself and looks towards the "propper dining table"

LaDawn said...

uh....not to rain on your parade but The Simpsons have 3 children: 1 son and 2 daughters. Marc, is that you commenting on my blog? You mean you read it?

Anonymous said...

But Homer can never recall Maggie's name anyway so she doesn't count ;-)

LaDawn said...

It's a good thing we don't have 3 children!

Brooke said...

My parents wouldn't let us watch this show. So when I moved out I caught up on it and now I really don't watch the show.