Thursday 28 June 2007

Sports Day At Last

Today, with admittedly less fanfare than usual, St George's Pre-Prep held their Sports Day in the Home Park of Windsor Castle. At the base of the castle is a beautiful place to have a Sports Day. We didn't get to enjoy our usual picnic lunch but to be honest we were just hoping to make it through without the heavens raining down on us.

We got off to a rather auspicious start when Sebastian fell midway through the first dash. He was busy looking at what the other runners were doing and lost concentrating on where he was going. He got himself up and finished the race running just as fast as he could. When he got to the finish line he broke down in tears. I tried to speak to him and remind him that it didn't matter whether you win or lose but that he did your best and had fun. He wisely informed me that it does matter that you don't fall down. Of course, I was there to capture every moment on camera. I'm sure he will hate me when he is older. But I couldn't resist!

About that time, Mr Jones, the sports instructor, came up and took over for me. That's good because I wasn't helping at all. I think there's just so much a mother can say in these situations. I mean after all I don't care if he falls. But he does.

The next race was the shopping relay. Every runner has a paper bag. They've got to stop at regular intervals and pickup the grocery item on the ground.

Whatever Mrs Jones said, it worked. Seb later informed me (over dinner) that Mr. Jones gave him a power pill which clearly gave him strength. Not sure what that really was but to be honest, I simply don't care. It worked. Seb came in second place and he was on top of the world. he was as proud of himself as I was of him. Not for doing so well. But for not giving up. And to come back and still give it his all!

The next couple races were team races: relay sack and egg and spoon. Seb is a good team mate. Just look at that concentration on his face during the bean bag balance on your head race.
Thank goodness there were no parent's races. I just couldn't bear that. I was always the smallest person in the class and Sports Day was always a humiliating experience for me.

There are loads more photos to be seen over on Flickr.

1 comment:

Janell said...

Way to go, Seb! good job!